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    Information Technology

    that ports question was really pathetic. we do a course for 2 damn years which comes down to a single exam, and the bos puts in a freakin question like that?! hell, i know the course is about 90% crap and common sense like "be friendly on the phone", "don't steal the first aid kit", but i...
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    Making notes from the syllabus

    there's not much more frustrating than writing out summaries only to realise it isn't a "summary" at all. it takes you 4 hours just to read them.
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    A 2 Hour Exam in A 3 Hour Time Period

    well it was a little short but i won't complain about that. i thought some of the questions were shitty though. particularly the pacemaker history and the wave modification experiment. my class was taught neither, and only people who researched pacemakers for their bionics assessment would've...
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    prepared essays for eco...

    minai, i admire your dedication. i truly wish i was set up like that. unless i can write 10 essays in a week... it won't happen. is all the info. you use for your essays from the textbook?
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    Section III

    damnit i just remembered i left a fat space at the beginning to come back and write a heading in... damn you.
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    Powerplay - A request for comments (please)

    i was going to use an article talking about american hypocrisy in the whole "war on terror" deal, them being the most powerful and terrorising of all nations. but i thought it was too much work to start relating it to a question like "what is the relationship between power and language". then i...
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    Good God...its nearly here

    try thinking of it another way. in 5 days you will never need to write another english essay again. it makes the pain go away. i get this annoying feeling that all my studying is not gonna make a difference. i'll get in there and my mind will go blank.
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    Remembering ALL text?

    hopefully if they specify, it will be the one that is most relevant to the module. otherwise it would be really unfair as people who thoroughly learnt the specified one would have a ridiculous advantage. unless it is one that i learnt thoroughly, then it is fair.
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    How to study properly?

    egad! 3 essays on the same topic a day? you are inhuman. what about the time to study you're other subjects?
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    The 40 minute essay conspiracy theory

    My point still stands. The point is that even if you are bursting with ideas, there's still hardly time to articulate them and express them all adequetly, even if you have done a whole lot of practice. This happens to me with transformations of Hamlet to Ros and Guil are Dead. There's so much...
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    dialogue, detail, those simple things you sometimes look past. you should as this on the AoS board
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    The first rule of Powerplay is ... ???

    possibly learn names of characters
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    last years hsc powerplay was a speech for an exhibition, my trial was a series of diary entries... spose they won't give us a regular essay question for this.
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    i never have, but i'm considering one for english in these last few weeks... maybe economics aswell.
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    The 40 minute essay conspiracy theory

    "surely you're capabilities" - your I suppose crappy grammar doesn't look too good when I'm trying to argue my comprehension of english.
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    The 40 minute essay conspiracy theory

    If examiners really wanted to see what people knew their texts and modules, why are the exams made to seperate those who can write and order their ideas quickly from those with slower writing skills and who need to have more thinking time before answering a question? For example, I ran out of...
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    helppp! i need ta study!!

    go to your room and force yourself to study. it doesn't come easily to anyone, but getting started is the hardest part.
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    What's everyone's top 10 favourite albums?

    i bought grace immediately after i heard last goodbye, it's incredibly moving in a way that is unique to jeff. and i pretty much loved the whole cd at first, though he does some cover's on it which i don't like anywhere near as much as his originals.
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    a controversial related text

    either way, i'm not learning another book a month before the exam. the examiners will have to deal with a WHOLE lot of people using BNW as the related text for powerplay.
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    a controversial related text

    my english teacher told the class that in some sort of meeting one of the board of studies head honcho's specifically said that there would not be a penalty for using related text's from within the syllabus. also, BNW in the module "in the wild" is not related to powerplay, so it is being used...