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  1. M

    Autocomplete In Windows

    Depending on what program you are using, they can. IE, simply make the menu drop down, then highlight the offending autocorrect entry and press the delete key. For typed urls, go into the registry (start -> run -> regedit) and find something along the lines of...
  2. M

    Why did you initially sign up for Extension 2?

    Hahah i did it to prove the school principal wrong, she said 'I strongly advise you NOT to, you know it is very hard and you are participating against the best, and it takes a lot of time, and you need a lot of will power, and blah blah blah blah' I got the gist, especially after she rang my...
  3. M

    4 unit english 4 unit maths?

    Sure is! I go better in 4u and 3u than i do in 2u. 2u sucks, and the texts suck. History and memory???!!!
  4. M

    who hates word limits?

    Yeah I did a shot story and the word limit sure did suck. Even though our 8000 word limit rips the one for essays, it's still not enough to represent a year's work. <quote>i was so cut</quote> Hahah you can so tell that we are all from NSW here by the way ppl talk.