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Search results

  1. L

    law tutor need!

    hey there, i'm urgently looking for a law tutor,i'm in first year. ppl frm 4th&5th year would be good.If any one interested please reply me asap. cheers~
  2. L


    lost~ well.. my stand. eng rank 6 visual art rank 5 chinese rank 10 maths ext.1 a bit below avarage maths ext.2 all most rank......ah last~ so...any posiblities i can still get uac above 85? i'm sooooooo lost thz dayz~ :confused:
  3. L


    well~currently i'v got eng stand. 78% maths ext.1. 60% maths ext.2. 47% visual art. 90% chinese bk speaker 80% and i'm in schoo which rank around 20 in state i dont noe if i would still get around 85-90~ guys if u hav any ideas tell me plz