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  1. Y

    help with the purpose of this passage.

    Hi thanks for the help. we got this assignment on the last day and i just had no real idea what they were asking. i was thinking about just writing a modern story about a girl who falls pregnant and runs away from home but i was not realy sure if this would tie in with the purpose of that...
  2. Y

    help with the purpose of this passage.

    sorry. the passage is from brave bew world. the actual task involves finding a purpose from this passage and then writing a creative piece based on that passage. i'm just not really sure what the purpose is and was hoping for abit of help. thanks :)
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    help with the purpose of this passage.

    Hi i was hoping that someone could help me with the purpose of this passage. The squalor of that little house on the outskirts of the pueblo! A space of dust and rubbish separated it from the village. Two famine-stricken dogs were nosing obscenely in the garbage at its door. Inside, when...
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    Hi i have recently started playing this online adventure game called runescape and was wondering if anyone out there has any accounts that they dont use anymore that i could make use of. could you email me at