Sorry, but C is completely wrong - read it properly arrhenius said nothing about that - even chemistry teacher said so - and D is taught in Conquering Chemistry - claerly that is the answer
Did anyon else do the trial by the Heffernan Group (I think thats what its called) - i thought it was a really really hard trial - especially because of its length - Id like to compare marks i got 65% (pretty terrible - but wasnt really ready) - what did any others get?
Is there anyone who didn't sit the catholic / independnant trial and say sat the mansw or other major trials?? - I think I sat the mansw id like to compare how i went.
Hi All,
Does anyone here use the Maths In Focus Textbook by Margaret Graves for their HSC at school - if so what school and how many in both 2 unit and 3 unit classes - compiling a survey - responces would be great.
Thanks, Tommy
You recieve a standard reduction potencials sheet at the beginnign of you hsc exams telling you which valency they're expecting you to know - you dont even need to remember them - so go to the boards website and have a look at the data sheet at the front of a past hsc- if you havent printed iut...
Miss_gtr I wouldn't say this person has picked something oridinal by doing The Odyssesy for literarry half my class did that bloody text - sick of it!!
But yeah does relate well.
Honestly i do not think you should do "finding Nemo" as your supplementar Text for jounrneys - not if you plan to do well. Its better to do something challenging. In my class, no one did those cartoons e.g finding nemo and shrek. The whole purpose of doing english and goindwell is to challenge...
What do you guys think of doing frankenstein any physical journeys.
- physical journey of making monster
- physiclal journey of revenge through the alps
- captain wltons phsycial journey to the north pole....
??? Any other ideas
What if i took a metaphorical stance on Shrek
That because the movie shrek is directly self referential we are forced to think about ourselves as viewers. We too are the travellers that experience change along shreks journey - we journey with him.
It appearson the surfce that that their...
yeah i don't know
i don't think it really matters on the text but what i could write.
There are lots of parallels though... and links such as shrek crossed a red sea of lava to save fiona and one ofskrxyneckis poems is crossing the red sea (very simple link)
Now you are...