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    Student Contribution Help??

    And When by??
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    Student Contribution Help??

    If you are paying for your student contribution up front, where and how can i pay for it???
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    Anyone Doing B Building Construction Managment????????

    It seems like i am the only one. Is there anybody else out there that is currently doing B Building Construction Mngmt or about to enter into it. Whats it like, what stuff do u do, is it interesting???
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    it doesnt make sense?!?

    you cannnot put ur trial marks in because it will NOT be the same as ur aligned marks (IE 80% in a trial for 4U math will have an aligned mark of over 90). instead play around with the percetile ur in and change the mark until it compares to the percentile ur in with your school rank. remenber...
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    IPT Trial Results

    our IPT class is extreemley stupid, they don't listen in class or anythin. 12/20 people in the class "accidentily" did the entire paper (all the option question). im comming 1st, with 84% in the CSSA trial, but thats not a great achievment considering the calabre of the class.
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    CSP HECS vs Full Fee Local...Which is more $$$?

    thanks manly chief, finaly someone gave me a staight and simple answer.
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    CSP HECS vs Full Fee Local...Which is more $$$?

    are u saying the gov pays the balance 4 u. And u don't have 2 pay them back at all?, all you pay is the student contributions?
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    King Lear: 10 most important Quotes?

    Whats the significance of " I am a man more sinned against than sinning"
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    Ranks in a large school?

    boys only yr 7-10 co-ed yr 11-12
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    Ranks in a large school?

    thers is about 1600 people in the school (yr 7-10 are a bit smaller) we have about 4 seperate exam rooms, each can have about 80 people
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    Building construction managment

    cool thanx weeman is there any other important/interesting things about the course i should know?
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    Building construction managment

    is it interesting? Whats the parking like at UNSW, do i need a permit or something??
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    Ranks in a large school?

    Yeh, i go to oakhill, its even bigger this year, 302 students
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    Gloucester in Bondi Production

    there is also a high pitch screach, he then pokes his eye out and Glos is blinfolded for the rest of the play. did anyone have a private interview with the lead character. Our school did, but he did not answer any questions straight, no one understood what he was saying. did anyone else...
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    Whats your dream UAI.. and what do you think you will get?

    1. 98 2.96+ 3. Building construction managment at UNSW
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    Building construction managment

    whats it all about though? what UAI did u get to get in?
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    Building construction managment

    Im in Yr 12 and looking at doing Building Cconstruction Managment next year. Does anybody else do it? is it interesting? how does it compare to Construction managment at UTS?
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    i been to that site, but it says nothing about STUDENT arking. it only gives applications for staff and PHD students
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    so what is the permit for and how do i get one?
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    Studying @ UNSW – a guide from a student

    So what is the permit for, and how do i get one?