jst stay calm cuz it'll be over real quick.. dont make it obvious that ur nervous to the testing officer cuz thats not a good sign hehe.. umm.. remember to completely stop and the stop sign.. check mirror and over shoulder and indicate for merging.. slowly take ur time with doing reverse...
hey guys im planning on doing a B commerce but wod also like to learn a language, should i combine com with arts and spend that extra 2 years or is it possible to do a language with straight B com? :confused:
im going to medibank on 10th and 11th :) i agree with stariiskiez on henin and nadal! i prefer using the one handed backhand.. justines backhand is awesome u should come see
sucks that its only a race around america though, understandably with more ppl.. saves the show some money.. hmm.. getting lost in a foreign country was half the fun
oh i was told that the conclusion is a must.. i usually sum up the stuff i wrote.. answering the question and putting in some comment about the current economics of it all..
ill try the last 3
Why are subsidies the preferred over tariffs?
Subsidies are cash payments to producers, its an expense to the govt. so they would be more likely to review the need for it. Tariffs on the other hand is a revenue creator so they wont review it as much.
Outline the...