Section one was easy
Cold War :(
We only really did the first question and even then I totally read it wrong and had to go back and add bits :( :(
My teacher told us a technocrat is someone who has political power wihtout being a politician.
For example. Speer was a technocrat as even though he said "Political events did not concern me" his architecture still made political statements.
He was an expert at his job as minister for...
I HATED the 2U, but I felt the 3U was relativley a good paper.
I just didn't do so well. Time...
I had to do things over and over to get them
I liked the first half of seven!
Oh yeah, totally stuffed.
I usually do weel in 2U, but after that test I foudn that my brain tends to freeze and foul up during maths exams.
For once I didn't finish early! Argh
So sooooooooooooooooooooo not looking forward to my exam in .... less than an hour
Gottta go to school...