Hey all!
is there anyone here who is studying speech path. at syd uni? or anyone thinking of entering the course next year? what exactly does it entail and roughly how many students do they offer the course to each year? thanks peoples!
Hello all... ive got an assignment on the urban dynamics of pyrmont. if anyone has any information or related stuff could you please pm or email me at nat_elly@hotmail.com ? thanks guys
hi guys. i have an english assignment where i have to pick three texts (one from the bos booklet) and analyse them and then compare them to two of coleridge's poems.
i was thinking the road not taken or the ivory trail from the bos booklet and now ive got no idea what to do for the other...
hey all... im freaking out!! all you yr 12 04 did soooo well! congrats!! u killed it!! but now im totally discouraged!! i think my subjects are going to bring me down so badly... n now ive lost all motivation! plzzz someone help! here r my subjects:
english advanced
i picked intertidal wetlands... and global interactions 2 has a whole case study already done on it with all the headings my teacher has set for the report... the problem is, i cant summarise... and i totally cant plagarise cause its out class text book... any help is totally appreciate!! AAHHH...
here is a suggestion...
this year for valentine's day, our src did 'the perfect match' (the tv show). they got 3 guys from boys school next door... all hush hush... n u pay $1 to play, 50c to watch. u get a raffle ticket n they draw three girls each time, n the guy doesnt get to see the three...
to those who have done the krispy kreme'e fundraising thing... how do i go about organising it? do i just call the krispy kreme place in penrith n order... or do i tell them i want a deal cause its for a fundraiser?
thanks for all your help guys! yeh you're right... i do find teaching someone gets it stuck in my head much easier... as for the highlighting... i have to break them ;)
good luck all! thanks again! :D
hey people... ive just started yr 12 n all i hear is STUDY STUDY STUDY!! and to make study notes. the problem is, i find it heaps hard to make notes. i end up writing a text book lol!! and im deadly with a high lighter... i cant summarise for crap! i end up highlighting full paragraphs!
so any...
serious? ok cool, i can get that at max elles books right? cause i cant be bothered to go to that major book shop dymocks or h and g stationary and books in burwood lol. but thanks for the tips guys!
thanks alot for all your help. you're right... there is tons of info on interdidal wetlands and costal dune systems. some on in my class is already doing the coastal dune systems, so i think ill stick to wetlands or alpine. thanks again n gl wit ur HSC! :D
hey guys... i just started yr 12 n we're doing ecosystems at risk. i just received the first assignment on it which is a case study on an ecosystem of our choice, except coral reefs, n i have NO CLUE what to pick! i wanted to deserts but my teacher said that's hard.
so pleaseee if u have any...
OMG that stupid creative writing question was crap! i did the pic of the wedding!! i dun think i even wrote about change! :confused: i full wanted to start again but no time!! ah well!!
bye byez