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  1. yourdad

    10% of what you learn?

    wow i would be surprised if any uni was used in the real world. I did "Organisational Behaviour" (managment unit) for an elective, then got a job in the holidays and realised how little use it would be if you were actually in charge of employees, and that was meant to be a 'real life' kinda unit.
  2. yourdad

    Students opinions on weed

    $50 is possible... yeh it sounds like an unrealistic amount, but imagine a situation where someone spends all day seshing with people and always shouts the sesh. ie wake up, sesh, go and visit some people, sesh, visit different people, sesh, etc, sesh before going to sleep. I got a buddy who...
  3. yourdad

    Students opinions on weed

    Personally, i think weed is way less detrimental to studying then alcohol. I mean, if you go and get really drunk, like hell barfing smashed then the next day you feel like shit and the day is pretty much written off. If I go and have a killa sesh then at worst i might just feel a bit lazy in...
  4. yourdad

    Student Poverty Week

    geez guys just a joke don't get all sensitive
  5. yourdad

    SMH Opinion: No time to learn for learning's sake when a degree is at stake

    At UWA, International Students are like the joke nobody wants to say, eg the chinese guy in every tute who tries to say something, and the tutor just looks confused and nods awkardly. I hear in Curtin it's really obvious. I got a (literate) buddy who says the econs essays are really easy, just...
  6. yourdad

    Student Poverty Week

    well that may be fine the ladies but what are us poor blokes meant to do?
  7. yourdad

    Students opinions on weed

    really? because...well let's just say my uni friends seem to be a lot more conservative then my non-uni friends
  8. yourdad

    Students opinions on weed

    Hey, I go to UWA and, just by observing the posters that get put up, it seems to be very 'anti-weed'. I thought this was pretty weird myself, since all the posters for uni events go something like this "Super beer party! Get as drunk as you can and vomit everywhere! Special prize for whoever...
  9. yourdad

    A few questions that need to be answered ( about uni )

    Once you get to second year, accounting is hard as a cunt. That's my contribution.
  10. yourdad

    Student Poverty Week

    Ok then people if you want to go all academic on me, what's your opinion on this: 2 people want to do a course, one person is really interested in it but can't get the grades to get in, the other will clearly get in but is going in for the so-called 'wrong' reasons eg money/prestige/didn't...
  11. yourdad

    Bring back Jade and Ryan from Cheez TV

    Hey, everyone that enjoyed the antics of jade and ryan should sign this new petition:
  12. yourdad

    Favourite High Court Justice

    Kirby definitely the best I usually find Kirby the easiest to read, and his reasoning makes more sense. I remember in crim, we had to read Clifton James Cutter v The Queen where this drunk guy stabbed a cop in the throat and Kirby's dissenting judgment was basically 'listen up dumbasses, if you...
  13. yourdad

    Student Poverty Week

    I think it's a bit unrealistic to call education a 'right', really it is just an investment like any other. That's my view anyway, but I tend to think of everything in dollar terms.
  14. yourdad

    Student Poverty Week

    Why don't you go to a law class and see if you can borrow a spare laptop from someone?
  15. yourdad

    Student Poverty Week

    UWA did student poverty week and gave out free soup. What a fucking crock, a bunch of rich kids carrying around laptops and wearing the latest designer gear bitching about poverty. Plus, the soup isn't really free because you gotta pay $100 for guild fees and as of yet it's the only thing I got...
  16. yourdad

    UWA Crim Assignment

    Hey, I have this really stupid assignment for crim, and I'm not asking anyone to do it or anything I just want to know if anyone had to do something similar or if anyone here from UWA had to do it before. We have to go to a jury trial, which is fair enough I mean it is law after all, but then...