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  1. C

    Relational Databases.. uhh?!

    uh i can do the QBE thats easy but i wanted SQL for the exam oh well if anyone can post a sample query before 8 tommorow ill be happy :D
  2. C

    Bio Is Gay

    4 uits of science max... or 6 if you do extensions you cant do senior science if you do another science our school told us in year 10 right before subject selection tomoz i got my biology trial.. uhh yay i guess :P
  3. C

    What is healthy and what is disease

    oh yer ty i remember now and yer i know its hard to define thats what our teacher said too got my bio trial tommorow so ugh :/ another 4 hours sleep for me .. course i wont be missing charmed hehe
  4. C

    Relational Databases.. uhh?!

    doing queries in SQL in a database
  5. C

    What is healthy and what is disease

    we got the proper definitions of these before but i cant remember anymore can anyone help me out? also in a few weeks im getting the whole syllabus and worksheets on a cd if anyone needs.. and doesnt live too far from liverpool email me and ill help ya out
  6. C

    Relational Databases.. uhh?!

    K no matter what teacher tries to teach me i screw up every relational database i make and i dont know howto write the queries in SQL anyone got some tips?!
  7. C

    Work Placement

    eCom :-( well the first week was done in year 11 when i was at miller tafe (near liverpool) at parammatta OMG MAN seriously think urself lucky in year12 i went to eCOM in Wynyard spent so much money on fares and had to buy lunch in the city and they made me the clean the joint up and pack...
  8. C

    100% success in English, this is 4 real

    how far is this away from liverpool particuarly miller, id really like some more info on this :) so if you could email me or summin (i always loose websites with my bloody favourites list being so full) id be happy email addy=