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  1. S

    Id Advice

    fu ck you guys are the biggest f-ing losers ive ever come across "oh man dont break the law" are soooo your totally going to have a blast at schoolies, just do exactly wat the law says and your life will be a hahaha...and if you really r as retarded as you come...
  2. S

    Id Advice

    I live in sydney and have been everywhere with it and never been questioned..i was just worried about schoolies because it says im 20
  3. S

    Id Advice

    Hey im leaving to go to schoolies this sunday (27th) in Byron Bay. Im the youngest of all my friends going as most of them have turned 18 or are this week, I'm only 17 and turn 18 in January. I have a friends ID that looks like me but it says I'm 20...does anyone have advice for what i should...