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  1. M

    Adolescents Wanted - This is a survey about you!

    Adolescents Wanted - This is a survey about you! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I need to survey about 25 adolescents on alcohol use in adolescents. Thank you all those who participate in the survey. Age: 17 Sex: F 1. Tick what you...
  2. M

    How many band 6 is needed for UAI 95+?

    Re: How many bang 6 is needed for UAI 95+? I have my heart set on being a primary teacher and need a uai of 70.00... i know it sounds pitiful but what bands will i be needing to achieve? my ranks are all 1 except for biology (4th) and adv. english (2nd). I do ext. 1 english, adv. english...
  3. M


    Hey.. sounds like the same situation I was in. My boi and I had been together for almost two years (with no breaks), I lived with him for a while and we were so close- perfect like "soul mates" until he finished yr 12 and got an apprenticeship. I guess we tried to spend heaps of time together...
  4. M

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Re: Virginity Hey I lost mine just before my 16th...
  5. M

    HELP... HSC Adv. English Related Texts... Alice Cooper, and the Jaguar

    I need help with my related texts for an assessment task. I need help with the summaries of Alice Cooper's lyrics "Welcome to my Nightmare", and The Jaguar by Ted Hughes. Can you forward anthing you can on these two in summary (of meaning) to It would be greatly...