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  1. Riddles

    Australian Army Reserve

    i do believe there is already a number of threads regarding this topic. but yes, i am an army reservist, currently a 510 as i havnt completed my iets yet. enlisted as a rifleman
  2. Riddles

    Woolworths Employee Discount Cards

    as soon as uv worked 50 hrs for them, u go to ur cash office n they will giv it 2 u. or u can do it my way. wait til uv done 100hrs then go c them just 2 b on the safe side
  3. Riddles

    guy problems

    respect da fact dat he has a gf n move on. if he really wanted u, he would hav waited 4 u.
  4. Riddles

    Army Reserves

    no. we dont hav squads in the australian army, only sections. 2 LSWs per section, the rest F88, unless theyve said we can now carry a mag58 in each section, but its normally a platoon level weapon.
  5. Riddles

    Army Reserves

    if u go infantry, u get trained how 2 use all the basic infantry weapons. fitness is a must if u want 2 join the infantry. i have 2 change corp now cos i screwed my ankle doing a 12km pack march. so if u wanna join da infantry, get fit n stay fit. only apply for the infantry if ur a bloke n...
  6. Riddles

    Army Reserves

    and always apply for the reserves through the defence force recruiting hotline
  7. Riddles

    Army Reserves

    Been in for 13 months now. Intakes to ARTC are generally every week on fridays now, unless they have changed it since i went through. In the Army Reserves u will only be sent overseas for 2 reasons: 1. u apply to go over seas 2. they desperately need soldiers over seas, which rarely...
  8. Riddles

    Hating Single Life...

    me. been single for 3 yrs, so over it now. apparently im not normal cos im attractive n dont hav a gf. any1 else think da same?
  9. Riddles

    Your thoughts on suicide - Tragedy or Selfish?

    i believe that suicide is a cowards way out. just my opinion, but i kno many ppl say da same as me
  10. Riddles


    no it doesnt matter if ur asian or not. im in da army reserves, n a coupla my mates r asian n theyre in. just need citizenship
  11. Riddles

    being polite to ex's

    @ helmut :uhhuh:. minus the polite bit though. actually, erase last comment. b polite n screw his bro. makes da revenge even more sweet if he dont c it coming
  12. Riddles

    being polite to ex's

    unlucky. tulipa, u should b more on da ball. shame on u
  13. Riddles

    being polite to ex's

    smart young woman you r tulipa. dont listen 2 us blokes helmut. it is best 2 talk 2 another young woman about dis sort of problem.
  14. Riddles

    being polite to ex's

    there's always cause 4 revenge, especially cos its so sweet.
  15. Riddles

    being polite to ex's

    go 4 it helmut. hes just trying 2 piss u off. revenge is sweet. payback time. :uhhuh:
  16. Riddles

    Wat it is that guys like in a chick?

    personality mainly 4 me, but i hav 2 find them physically attractive as well.
  17. Riddles

    How were your trial exams?

    i blitzed my trials n screwed up my HSC. except in english. did much better in my HSC english. from 39% 2 68%
  18. Riddles

    Piercings and Tattoos

    Re: The Tattoo Thread (merged) im considering getting an eagle tattooed across my shoulder blades
  19. Riddles

    FIFA 2006 World Cup BOS Tipping Competition

    Im in but some prick has already taken my username so im Da Riddler
  20. Riddles

    Help Please

    Cheers Kami. Ur a champ