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  1. bron_the_ambo

    Anyone going to Onstage on Saturday?

    dammit. Wish I could go. But there is no possible way.
  2. bron_the_ambo

    onstage 06

    I went on Monday afternoon and saw program A it was really really good. it was good to see the diffrent styles used. and how some people used wit and some used humor. and yeah. good 5 kudos
  3. bron_the_ambo

    Jackass: The Movie

    When I first watched Jackass the movie... I was so obsessed... I watched it every day for a month... shocking shocking... Great for a laugh though... I love the golf cart part... woo!!
  4. bron_the_ambo

    Alternatives to med

    I'd love to get into medicine but its just not gunna happen cos I chose dodgy subjects. So I'm going to do nursing and clinical practice ;) I'm gunna be me an ambo!!! :D And then eventually down the track do medicine and obstetrics.
  5. bron_the_ambo

    First Prac!!

    I got 14 outta 20 for my prac.. I was mad nervous though. My next one is on Thursday... I'm doing Let it Be by The Beatles.. And I don't know half the words... gotta work on that one... lol
  6. bron_the_ambo

    Worst Person You Ever Liked Or Went Out With

    Yeah thanks for that... He was 12 let me remind you lol... and there was a few of us...
  7. bron_the_ambo

    First Prac!!

    I dunno... maybe... 'Oh father father' but it sounds like 'oh fada oh fada'... ahahaha... so cool.... I wish I was German...
  8. bron_the_ambo

    Worst Person You Ever Liked Or Went Out With

    lol nuh our friends have their P's... they drove us to an industrial/trade centre park thingy and then he drove me around cos no one ever drives there... sssshhh... don't tell lol. That was the week my parents were away ;)
  9. bron_the_ambo

    Catchy songs

    HATE IT!! I HATE IT!!! As soon as I get it out of my head some one else starts singing it so that it's back in my head. Some one kill her!!
  10. bron_the_ambo

    Worst Person You Ever Liked Or Went Out With

    I'm going to tell a story about another unfortunate person from my slut hole of a town. One of my bestest friends was going out with this chick... He was in love with her I swear... He'd liked her for about a year, myabe more. Anyways... They were going out... And he was grounded so he...
  11. bron_the_ambo

    HP fans - new photos of Katie Leung (Cho Chang) released!

    I thought Krum was suposed to have big, bushy eyebrows!!! Hmmm... Maybe I'm thinking of something else. And I think Cho is pretty!! Tut tut... I dunno how you could see her as average! Cedric has nothing on Wood... MMMMM... Wood....
  12. bron_the_ambo

    Film You Have Seen The Most

    Pearl Harbor - I had an obsession with Josh Hartnett Jackass the Movie - those guys never cease to make me laugh Dirty Dancing - no comment needed Romeo Must Die - no choice of my own... I hate English for that exact reason!
  13. bron_the_ambo

    First Prac!!

    ahahah... that reminds me of this peice of music we got played to us last week... the elfking or something... I can't remember... Such a strange song... Strange... But really really cool. I don't know where that came from... Oh yeah... It's in German or something.. I played the wrong chord...
  14. bron_the_ambo

    Worst Person You Ever Liked Or Went Out With

    Whats the go with picking on me and the 12 year old?! I've heard worse stories... I'm actually quite *sweet* for a 16 year old. I live in a town where incest is a hobby. lol no not really... but close enough... NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND!! But its ok... You make me laugh.. It's great. Sorry...
  15. bron_the_ambo

    Colesmyer christmas casuals

    I work at Bi Lo and all I had to do was apply online, and then about 6 months later I got a phone call from head office asking for my school report. I faxed that in and in about 5 weeks the shop called me in for an interview and that was it.
  16. bron_the_ambo

    The Collector

    Any one have to or have had read the book the Collector?? I should have finished it by now but I find it really hard to concentrate on it. I hate the language etc. It just annoys me. My english teacher seems to have read a totally different book because she comes up with totally different...
  17. bron_the_ambo

    First Prac!!

    So today I did my prac... I was so scared and I thought I went really badly. But... Apaprently I did really well!! :) Yay!! *happy dance* So... Got any stories about performances and stuffing up? I want to make myself feel really good!
  18. bron_the_ambo

    Songs for the road..

    No road trip is a road trip without AC/DC...
  19. bron_the_ambo

    Individual Project

    I'm in year 11... Should I be worried about ym Logbook at the moment? Cos I've done none of these things mention!! I'm starting to worry now!! Not cool!! If I'm doing performance for my IP should I still be doing as much work as you guys have been mentioning?? GRRRR....
  20. bron_the_ambo

    What HSC subjects do u do?

    Music: Cos I love it... Drama: Also cos I love it Maths: Cos its handy to have?? English ADV: Cos I was going to be shot by my english teacher if I didn't do adv. Crazy Irish woman!! Biology: Just because I thought it would be kinda cool to do a science and I hate Chemistry and Physics...