with all this quoting from the daily telegraph and all their propoganda every time they quote the boredofstudies we all should get $50 and 8 UAI points.... why 8? because 8 is awesome... along with ninjas...
what she mean is that she want to compare the initial victorian and contempoary receptions of the book as a result of the context of the time, such as when the book was first published the criticss hated the book as it show shifts of the power to the weak as the victorian times was a patriarchal...
this is bullshit... i hate english and furthermore i hate wuthering heigths
but i have to put up with this crap... so im plea to those out there can they help me on the feminist veiw on WH in terms of the lack of power shown through women...
i have actually done this but its weak and i...