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  1. D

    Parents Reaction to UAI marks

    i did hard subjects like maths & eng adv, physics, chem, biology and economics...thinkin that my uai might be higher than my HSC marks but i sucked n only got around 80 for my sciences (78,80,82) and around 75 for the rest (77,75,72) uai was only 72 so i was pissed off that i didnt do...
  2. D

    Which subject is everyone pissed off about?

    stupid chem n maths!! I hate Maths Adv, by the end of the year we ran out of time n wasn't even taught about that e letter and all that log cos and sin crap (the homework sheets did not help without explinations).....lucky it didnt count but my s#itty chem mark did.......4 of my teachers quit 2...