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  1. Nikkas

    free notes and excel books up for grabs

    ok now this might sound a little dumb but how do i do that?
  2. Nikkas

    The National IQ Test

    a garbo are the guys who drive garbages trucks, that fang guy, i think i know him
  3. Nikkas

    Combined law

    well i put in for a law/combined as my first preference but it ain;t really gonna matter for me i gotta differ and then re pick the course again next year. but i still hope i get it
  4. Nikkas

    anyone found out about art express yet

    at the moment i know 4 people who got shortlisted for artexpress, sadly i wasn;t one of them,if u haven;t got a letter you will probably get it within a month or so
  5. Nikkas

    TV shows from our childhood...*sigh*

    i miss all the old shows, we need more shows like: the late show superted dangermouse count duckula technoman ranma 1/2 evangelion thundercats ghostbusters(with the ape) widget the world watcher and transformers... just to name a few;)
  6. Nikkas

    Australian Idol

    i just one thing to say... i so not happy Guy won, thank you for humouring me
  7. Nikkas

    The National IQ Test

    well i got the exact same score as last yeah(128), i am still two points short of joining mensa :P. incidently i also did the Q test... apparently i am kinda queer as well as smart, go figure
  8. Nikkas

    Need Help

    here's a tip i used, what is your favourite film?, whatever it is all films have a physical journey in it, just study your favourite film and focus on specific scences cos all u need to do is be able to back up your reasoning with these texts, and i say if u r gonna study something u might as...
  9. Nikkas

    free notes and excel books up for grabs

    three things: 1-which legal stuff are interested in if u send me your topics i might be able to scrape up some mroe stuff for u to study and practice from. 2-sorry no english essays but i might be able to bang together some decent study notes for you to use if u want. 3-every loves the free...
  10. Nikkas

    Season Finale of ALIAS

    hey there ok now i may have missed an episode or two but do we know yet what exactly the rambaldi device (not artifacts) is?, i only started wstching this show this year and have picked up most of it except for this motivating factor. can anybody help?
  11. Nikkas

    South Park

    i just love how warped this show is, it is way better than the simpsons and makes a better satire of contempary society. the best episode of south park i say is 'the return of the fellowship of the ring to the two towers'(the lord of the rings parody).
  12. Nikkas

    free notes and excel books up for grabs

    hi all, well if anyone wants a shitload of ancient history notes on the greek world (800-500 and 500-440), Xerxes and spartan society(some taken, but i have made copies) , as well as highlighted, modern history ancient history(taken, but i have made copies) and legal studies excel books i also...