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  1. H

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    ^^^ yes, that was what i thought too. the info booklet mentioned that you had to get a uai of >95.7 to get into engineering/science/commerce but he only got 94. That is why i don't think he'll make it.
  2. H

    uai optom

    ^^that sux i have a feeling that cutoff maybe greater than 99. What do you guys think?
  3. H

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    my cousin got one for BIT today, but he got a uai of 94. can he make it?
  4. H

    Ernst & Young

    impressive that you got the uai for that.
  5. H

    WHO got BIT coop?

    did you get rejected today?
  6. H

    uai optom

    would it be higher than 98.5?
  7. H

    invitation from USYD?

    they mentioned that ~8000 people get uai of above 90 in smh how many do you think would get above 98?
  8. H

    invitation from USYD?

    are you sure? i think someone mentioned that they were invited as well with a uai of ~50s?
  9. H

    I will tutor 4U Maths, Physics, Chemistry.

    are you the guy that came 2nd in the state for 4u maths? i've heard that he came from sefton.
  10. H

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    how long do you think the shortlists are?
  11. H

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    ^^^are you a first year coop student?
  12. H

    Official school rankings...sooooo?!?!?!?!?

    wow...thats some kick ass rankings i feel out of league
  13. H

    Sections III, IV : Extended Response

    i did 26 and 27 too but what did you guys write about?
  14. H

    Section 1: Multiple Choice

    c a b d c a c c d c b d a b a c c d c d
  15. H

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    is the interview the only process you go through before they make their decisions...or are there second round interviews?
  16. H

    Co-op Program Interviews!!! Who received one and for what?

    ^^^lmao was that in reference to ishq =p
  17. H


    no..cad as % of gdp was 7% back in march current figures or average : 6.5%
  18. H

    IMF- influence for Australia?

    wto: increased access to global markets, reduced tariffs in exports to o/s markets, corresondingly we've had to reduce our tariff levels as well...