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  1. S

    Best sex ever!

    Have you ever seriously humiliated your significant other in front of their friends, or in public? Last night I was hanging out at my bf's place, he was playing wii with a bunch of his friends. At some point I made a comment about him handling his wii-stick better than his joystick.. and that...
  2. S

    What do I do?

    hehe my boyfriend is hot but he's a bit strange. i mean i love the sex but he keeps trying to lick my arse. it's a bit weird and then he wants to kiss me. like ewww! i don't want to taste my own arse! how do i tell him no?
  3. S

    Holding Back

    Are any of you afraid of being in love because it gives the other person too much power over you? That being in love gives them the power to utterly destroy you?
  4. S


    Okay I like this guy but his my friend and I don't know if he will go out with me or not. The problem is when I'm with him I'm happy but when we go out dancing he's always with other girls. He tells me he's just having fun because it's so boring at home and dancing makes him happy. Anyways I get...