Search results

  1. I

    Buying Trail Papers/Willing to trade?

    Hi. I'm interested in all of this. It's a good idea. I just sent you a "private message" through BOS because you haven't enabled emails. Cheers xx
  2. I

    2006 CSSA Trial

    Can someone post a copy of the actual CSSA trial?
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    Supplementary Material: Crime Fiction

    What does '12 monkeys' have to do with crime fiction?
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    Congrats Elisabeth! Wow! A year sure is a long time but you'll have so much fun. Gosh, you must be excited... I just got a letter in the mail that said I've won a scholarship for 3 months to Germany with SAGSE. Oh and if nick [aka Knobblet] is reading i wanna say thanks because he gave me all...
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    Ja, also im Moment ist vielleicht Bronski und Bernstein meine Lieblingssendung, weil Kommissar Rex nicht mehr im Fernseher ist. Am liebsten sehe ich mir Komoedien und Krimis an, deshalb habe ich Bronski und Berstein gern. Was fuer Musik hoerst du denn?
  6. I


    Na, das WAR ein tolles "thread". Chepas hat aber etwas dummes (tut mir leid, Chepas) gesagt und hat eine Frage gestellt, die keinen Antwort hat. Infolgedessen ist diese "thread" gestorben... (am 23 Mai, 2005) Jetzt stelle ich eine richtige Frage... Wer hier hat einen Fisch gekuesst?
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    Thanks Elisabeth! I think i really need the luck... Oh and goodluck for your 10 month exchange next year. Wow, I'm in awe! 10 months is ages. But you've been to Germany like 4 times havent you - so I guess it would be pretty good. Thanks again, Isabel
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    Who's your favourite Python?

    Yeh John Cleese is an absolute champ. Put your hand up if A Fish called Wanda is your favourite movie... Okay *hand up*. Yeh but Michael Palin comes a close second. Man I loved the "Farthing for an ex-leper" in the life of Brian. Classic...
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    Exchange 2005/6 Is anyone out there applying for the SAGSE german exchange? If yes, I guess you're all having your interview tomorrow. Good luck! Have any of you out there been on this exchange or had an interview before? I'm so scared! I have no idea what they're going to ask me. I hope the...
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    Wir haben Angst! (last-minute practice)

    Hab keine Angst! Meine Deutschelehrer macht immer diese "HSC Speaking Exams". Er ist gestern in der Klasse hereingekommen. Er hat gesagt, das einen Junge, der "Continuers" gemacht hat, hat das Folgendes gesagt... Lehrer: Also, erza:hl mal u:ber deine Familie... Der Jung: Um, mein brother...
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    Vocab Lists

    This whole German thing is a great idea! I'm only in year 11, but I sure as hell want to get my German up to scratch. I went on a 3 month exchange there last year, but I'm really missing the practise. Add me...
  12. I

    You *know* you're a chemistry nerd when...

    Yeh thats very true. You also know you're a chemistry nerd when you start singing the structural formula for citric acid (2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid). And also when you start pronouncing words like imagination as imaginat-ION... ah lifes a bitch