yeah we pay for term 4... bloody ridiculous.. plus i am a boarder and we have to pay for term 4 fees for that aswell... altogether my fee for this year is around $ 30 000.... not worth the money haha
wow same here.... our teacher has taught us absolutly nuthing.... actually she didn't really help us out with our major work either.... so petty much our class is all gonna fail haha.... gotta love dnt
For my exams and any assessment tasks i am put in a small seperate room from the rest of the students because in exam situations i get panic attacks. If i am in a full room of girls doing an exam it freaks me out and i get dizzy an shit... sounds werid i know.. but its horrible. Being in a...
help please
ok i think i did something wrong with my aligned marks..... i found out my assessment averages and put that with my trial mark so make an aligned mark... then when i entered that in it gave me a UAI in the high 40's.... i know i am not going to get in the 40's well i hope not anyway...
hey i really need somehelp i have an assessment tomorrow and i need a supplementary text to compare to Antony and Cleopatra... so basically on powerplay i was thinking about the movie Elizabeth but i need somehelp on how it is a Powerplay if any one has any info it will be greatly appreciated...
hey i really need somehelp i have an assessment tomorrow and i need a supplementary text to compare to Antony and Cleopatra... so basically on powerplay i was thinking about the movie Elizabeth but i need somehelp on how it is a Powerplay if any one has any info it will be greatly appreciated...
hey i really need somehelp i have an assessment tomorrow and i need a supplementary text to compare to Antony and Cleopatra... so basically on powerplay i was thinking about the movie Elizabeth but i need somehelp on how it is a Powerplay if any one has any info it will be greatly appreciated...
hey i really need somehelp i have an assessment tomorrow and i need a supplementary text to compare to Antony and Cleopatra... so basically on powerplay i was thinking about the movie Elizabeth but i need somehelp on how it is a Powerplay if any one has any info it will be greatly...
well usually around 50% of year 12 students at my school get above 90 and i think i'm in the top 50% so im hoping for around 90's... if i get 80's ill be o.k.... but its hard to get into courses these days