tell me about it. whats with business teachers? already know im not going to do well. stupid scaling. grumble grumble. i have art the next day and id much rather study for that. grrr. business is so broad. too much to study. better get a move on then shouldn't i......
lol. yeah sure sure MAYBE in theory. we have "andy_wahhole" remember? we don't know who got in yet. so i don't know whether i did. we know from internal marking anna, kate and sarah got nominated. but we don't know about the externally marked ones. unless i didn't get in, which would explain why...
no definately not. they don't do it like that at all. you could come first in the state and still not get into art express. it doesn't mean you got under 45/50.
yeah i thought the exam was pretty fair. stayed the whole time. i didn't mind the person and environment concepts. content anaylsis - whew thank god i studied that. the social change question i did the abolishment of aparthied in south africa, but some of my friends did globalisation so its all...
lol. my left hand has a torn tissue in it. and my right has a strained muscle. im right handed which is better for my hands i guess. but they really hurt. special provisions are annoying. i did it for assesments but its just really annoying to go through all the forms and stuff so i just put up...
wow your work was great. i know what you mean about art being your life but don't worry if your not selected. its really tough for them to pick work as well. it doesn't mean that it wasn't good enough for art express. as long as YOU were happy with it :D.
i go to hornsby girls high. their pretty serious about art . we have two great teachers. and our school generally does well. our grade is just excited we beat last years total nominations hehehe
wooo. i found out yesterday that 16 out of the 22 people in our school got nominated for art express. don't know who yet. congrats to everyone that did!
i like my subjects but i wish i had done drama or earth and environmental science instead of business. hate business. so damn boring. don't know how i would have coped with four major works if i did drama though. but EES would have been good. stupid lines...
yeah the exam was annoying, only assessing like 10% of the whole syllabus. grrrr
next year i want to do visual communication at UTS or a design or digital media course at COFA NSW. but after that i was thinking of doing the fashion design course at the Whitehouse coz that looks like fun but...
well i guess you wouldn't like my choices then:
visual communication UTS - 92.7
fashion and textiles design UTS - 89.15
arts in communication UTS - 94.1
design NSW COFA - 90.1
digital media NSW COFA - 90.05
(design) visual communication UWS - 70.00
the last one is a 'just in...