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  1. M

    Aligning of internal assessment marks

    Yeah I understand, that makes sense. But just assume my scenario is true, and I am actually 10 marks behind. Does that mean my internal mark is capped at 10 marks below what 1st gets? (assuming there is a 1 mark difference between ranks.) Also, going off this means that people with same HSC...
  2. M

    Aligning of internal assessment marks

    Ok basically my understanding so far of the aligning of internal marks process is that internal assessment marks are aligned to the highest external (HSC exam mark) mark, so 1st rank get's the highest external mark as their assessment mark and then all other assessment marks are aligned to it...
  3. M

    School withholding ranks?

    Notice how my post revolves around obtaining RANK, not mark, even though I do mention it once. Therefore, finding out my aggregate mark is pretty useless. And finding out the whole subject's marks and determining ranks that way..nah I got a HSC to study for. Bleh. Discussion, continue
  4. M

    School withholding ranks?

    Please, never enter this topic again. Do not reply to this post. A brick is smarter than you. Anywho, I like hearing all your stories about how you got your ranks, but can anyone actually help me get mine kk? My jealousy meter is rising, as is my go-columbine-on-that-ass meter
  5. M

    School withholding ranks?

    We completed our CSSA trials two weeks ago, have our exams back etc but my school is refusing to release our final ranks and marks on the grounds that it's "school tradition" to tell us at the end of year graduation in 6 weeks time. The only time we've recieved our rank all year was at our...
  6. M

    Accused of Cheating/Plagiarism/Collaborating

    Final Update Got my mark back yay! :D Me and my bro got 9 and 7 respectively (the teacher had changed both our marks to 8 so it was easier to half and subsequently make the speeches seem more alike). 9 is soooo much better than 4! Sometimes life IS fair after all (blah blah). I'm just really...
  7. M

    Now that you have your half yearly results...

    You guys realise it's your rank that matters, not your mark. And those of you with unusually high marks are either a) very smart b) very unprepared because your school isn't testing you with hard enough.
  8. M

    Accused of Cheating/Plagiarism/Collaborating

    Well to update. No one knew the correct procedure to appeal this. So I went to the Curriculum Co-ord. Things didn't really go as planned; I didn't get to present my speech/argument or anything like that. I did provide a brief explanation as well as a satchel of all the notes me and my bro...
  9. M

    Accused of Cheating/Plagiarism/Collaborating

    Yeah, I did an assessment about 1.5 months ago and realised when I spoke to the English Co-ord that I hadn't recieved my results for it. He says he doesn't know where it yeah. It hasn't been officially lost -yet- but after 1.5months (including the holidays) you'd think it's pretty much a...
  10. M

    Accused of Cheating/Plagiarism/Collaborating

    Thanks everyone for your replies, I'll get back to you on how it goes. -I won't use the precendence thing as evidence, that's stupid. I won't rat on other people who have cheated. -We used the same texcts cause we didn't have to hire 2 movies and the other OT"s were just natural choices...
  11. M

    Accused of Cheating/Plagiarism/Collaborating

    I've looked at those but they can be manipulated to benefit either case. Having read those before, on casual inspect it would seem like me and my brother did, and it's a stretch, break the one of those. But as I said, it's a stretch. Being twins, one would expect similar works.
  12. M

    Accused of Cheating/Plagiarism/Collaborating

    No, it was for plagiarising off one another, also called "collaborating" as they say. I'd be willing to send you our speeches if you wish? You're a reputable member :P
  13. M

    Accused of Cheating/Plagiarism/Collaborating

    Ok, I've talked to a fair amount of people but would appreciate anyone's input on the site aswell. Here's the situation: We did our Area of Study:Journey assessment for our HSC exam block last term. It was a speech. Me and my twin brother decided to use the same OT's (which were Journey's...
  14. M

    help help integration =D

    sick chen yi ask me at school
  15. M


    Hi, if you have attained mark 96+ (either 04' or preferably 05') in any of the following subjects I would like to purchase your notes off you, if they are typed. Economics Software Design Physics Chemistry Modern History English Advanced Studies of Religion Thanks. *EDIT*: I've had some...
  16. M

    Leading Edge Conference - Zenith Theatre

    Yeah, I went. I was that guy who left early cause Tim Riley is a stupid d!ckh3@d. Otherwise, all the lecturers were great, especially Tim Dixon and John O'Mahony, I would recommend them easily! Tim Riley on the other hand teaches you things totally unneccesary, they aren't even in the...
  17. M

    girls with opinions...

    I know a girl like that. Funny, Smart and Beautiful guess what? She's mine (and I am her's) :D But for real, you just need to find someone. It's not like "they" don't exist.
  18. M

    Acceleration as a F(position)

    a) dunno, guessing it to be x = (v^2-4)/2 b) v^2=2(6)+4 v^2=16 v=4 as v > 0 v = 4 should be x = 6, haven't done this topic and cbfed checking.
  19. M

    Substitution help please

    Thanks both of you for your answers but what I really need is fully worked proofs. Yes I'm annoying. These q's are from ex 3:11 of MIF, I've been trying all weekend to get them and have used a fair few resources to try and find the method to solve but I can never get it :( I can get 4), as a...
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    Substitution help please

    1. Find the area bounded by the curve y = x^3(x^4-2), the x axis and the lines x = 0 and x = 1 2. Find the volume of the solid of revolution formed when the curve y = x(x^3-3)^2 is rotated about the x-axis between x = 0 and x = 1 3. How do I write in subscript!? :D Cheers.