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  1. H

    Timber Falls

    Hello, how's everybody? I know it's been a while. I'm excited that Timber Falls will have DVD out on May 13th. I'm so going to buy one. You guys should too! Holla....
  2. H

    Timber Falls

    A friend of mine works at universal and they took me to the Timber Falls screening. It was pretty good. But i noticed a countdown on their myspace page. I think when it ends they are going to show part of the movie online for free. heres the link, check it out as soon as you can because the...
  3. H

    new band, Deepfield

    a buddy of mine from my job fontana sent me a link a for this band called Deepfield. their songs are pretty cool. i really like "get it" which is on their album "archetype and repetition". oh and here's the link.
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    the rockville slayer

    if anyone is a fan of b-movie horror flicks then this one you might enjoy....i came across this the other day: ....and i thought it looked pretty interesting....check it out and let me kno what you thought...
  5. H

    broken lizard!

    mad and puddle cruiser are broken lizard???...hmmm...thats cool, i was only aware of supertroopers and club dread (which i personally did not enjoy) "beerfest" huh? have any other info on it dude?