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  1. Justin

    Gay Nigerian Face Sharia Death

    Why can't this thread title be with out a face?
  2. Justin

    Gay Nigerian Face Sharia Death

    Are you saying that i'm.... REPETATIVE?
  3. Justin

    Gay Nigerian Face Sharia Death

    Go tell Today Tonight i'm sure they'd love to make a story about it.
  4. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran Correct. And it has lasting effects to this day :)
  5. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran But for the criticism to survive you would have to proove that there is something about being black that causes them to commit crime.
  6. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran Let them continue banging their heads against the wall :D if you dignify them with a response it makes them think that they aren't worthless because they pounce on what we say like they are some how more intelligent. :)
  7. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran So in what circumstances would you engage in substance abuse? PS: unless you're trying to say that racial qualities determine whether someone abuses substances, then explain further.
  8. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran They mis apply the word "racism", but that doesn't take away from what they are trying to say. PS: indonesia isn't a race.
  9. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran But Howard doesn't stand for anything you do. And you have a problem with Indonesians? Not any of the ones i've met. And even if it was, it would never be implemented :D Not according to Johnny :) He's letting in record numbers. What about this last sentence don't you and all you...
  10. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran Don't worry CRANK, these people are economic refugees. Their connection to the country has been annulled by neo-conservative economic policy yet they continue thinking that there is some problem or threat to be found in Muslims. Arguing with them is futile; i know because i used to...
  11. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran Because you openly support howard, yet he works heavily against everything you have said in this thread (through actions, not words, lest he lose ignorant voters like you who mistakenly perceive him to be conservative) It's ok to rip on other belief systems? So you wont have a...
  12. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran You're not in a position to judge it. It's discrimination which is largely racism, seeing as your mental connotation of a muslim is an arab one.
  13. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran What right do you have to demand that they speak english? That is based upon the assumption that english is the natural language of this country. Also, who cares if they dont speak english. PS: How many people have you come accross that you have had a significant language...
  14. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran In the Netherlands there is already 4 million. Besides, banning the Quran would be pointless.
  15. Justin

    Using a laptop in University exams

    Playing soccer is different from participating in university programmes. If s/he has the inner ability than not the outer ability than this can be overcome, clearly, by the use of a laptop. Are you saying s/he shouldn't be able to do what s/he wants to do simply because s/he has to use a laptop...
  16. Justin

    Nude Jogging Priest

    Why don't they just let it fly? What's there to be gained by charging someone for running nude whilst no body else is awake?
  17. Justin

    student strike at APEC

    How come every so often, someone with less than 10 posts comes to this forum and asks who is joining in the protests (wherever those protests may be). It's the most pointless trolling ever.
  18. Justin

    Dutch Politician Suggests to Ban the Quran

    Re: Ban Quran Why do you think John Howard is best?
  19. Justin

    ATM withdrawal limits

    Rob. Why not just pay electronically (in the bank, at a post office, internet banking etc)?