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  1. E

    Lower UAI but intent to study in Monash.

    I got an UAI of 84.15, but Monash Mechatronics engineering required 85, do u think I have the chance to be accepted???
  2. E

    We seems to have more 90++ students this year.......

    Do we? any statistic available???
  3. E

    Ur UAI and the desired Course!

    Post it! mine is South Aus Pharmacy 87 and UAI is 84.15
  4. E

    Is the deviation large?

    New member here, from Malaysia so, are there much deviation between the SAM MODELLER with the real HSC UAI??? SAM MODELLER gave me a UAI of 84.45 in year 2004............But my aim is I still have the chance to archieve 87?