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  1. C


    lol.. thts coz they r all tite there to pay for one. lOl
  2. C

    Uni websites

    I only know of the uws one at uwsforums.com . im not sure bout the other unis. u might wish to try google? :)
  3. C


    The only diff between uwsforums and bos is that uwsforums caters for a niche market, i.e UWS students.. BOS is general. Im not saying it isnt good, BOS is gr8. but Uwsforums was made for uws students.. nothing more, nothing less.
  4. C


    Thanx Adam :)
  5. C


    Hey guys! ;) Uws does not have an official forum.. But UwsForums.com has been around for a while and we are getting the backing of the StuAssoc. Also, it does get very busy during semester, coz even though there is general chat, it is UWS forums and hence its a P2P support/chat site. So if...