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  1. Monty88

    Word limit - Over or under?

    Sitting on 7920 right now... looks like it might be staying there too. Finally, a stable word count.
  2. Monty88

    Supplementary Material: Crime Fiction

    For an example of neo-noir the first season of angel is gold. pure gold. Angel is the classic hard-boiled detective. Come on, he can only work at night!!!
  3. Monty88

    How often are people working?

    Our viva voces are starting on the 3rd of april. 2 days before half yearlys begin. whats worse is theyre being held after school so our english teacher can bring in one of her english teacher friends to sit on 'the panel'. How i long for a few more weeks
  4. Monty88

    The 'What are you doing?' thread.

    Such controversy, you might want to be careful what you say and do from now on, you never know when the feds are gonna bust down your door and drag you away for crimes against the west. Who know? Extension 2 terrorism could be the latest target in the governments war on terror. A little birdy...
  5. Monty88

    First Three Words of your MW (Just 'Cause)

    First three words of the quote are, "Utterly impossible as..." First three words of my own actual work "Once upon a..." Doesnt really seem like my work.... but anyhoo. I love originality First three words of the second beginning "Meanwhile, floating somewhere..."