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  1. ~FeLiCiTy~

    So...what happens when we fail?

    Hi, just a newbie here....just wanted to know what happens when you fail a unit (or two) ? I'm doing a B.A, 1st yr, and failed 2 units (the joys) and both were my intended majors (ironic yes).... Just a bit confused on a few things: -does the fail mark count towards the average? -do i need to...
  2. ~FeLiCiTy~

    who else has

    Yep...thought i had maths down pat...just realised now (2 days prior to HSC exam) that everything ive learnt...pretty much has gone down the going over past papers NOW...better late than never i guess :mad1:
  3. ~FeLiCiTy~

    Your thoughts on the exam

    hey, just wondering...if a majority of us thought the exam was pretty cinch...what exactly would that mean?? harder chance of getting band 6? paranoia is setting in :confused:
  4. ~FeLiCiTy~

    Finishing early + other stuff

    lol i atttempted this exam PROPERLY...everything went okay...but spent too much time on Agrippina i feel...but finished the exam with a minute to spare...literally lol... Odd though...from a class of 60 at the beginning of the test...only 8 were remaining by the end...shows the dedication we...
  5. ~FeLiCiTy~

    General Thoughts: English Paper 1 2006

    lol permission to bash me but i actually thought that the paper was decent... S1: made me think too much but alright i guess(scared me) 6pgs S2: Threw me off a little but better than asking to write in a specific format (7/8pgs) S3: absolutley loved except for the whole 'speculation'
  6. ~FeLiCiTy~

    Key words & phrases for a good essay!

    Yeah we all hate english but what can ya do... Some phrases for a good essay intro, topic sentences etc: "All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveller is unaware" M.Buber IJ: Movements where a person does not actually have to go anywhere. The literal expedition is absent and...
  7. ~FeLiCiTy~

    Stimulus booklet - which ones relate best to Imaginative Journey?

    I agree for imaginative journey, ivory trail first up...but just as back up i would choose journeys over land and sea- few techniques/ parallel with tempest: imaginative component evident in the word selection- 'exotic, pioneers, discover'- evokes the reader to imagine... Further supported by...
  8. ~FeLiCiTy~


    The HSC rubrics can be found on any of the past papers i believe -which you can get from board of studies website... :) hope that helps
  9. ~FeLiCiTy~

    i only need 70 but will my marks affect this....

    lol nice advice concerning fluids coming from a guy with a vodka bottle as his avatar...ive got coffee in me now so ill be up + going for hours to come... :eek:
  10. ~FeLiCiTy~

    i only need 70 but will my marks affect this....

    Thanx for ure reassurance...seriously just 3 more days to go...:)
  11. ~FeLiCiTy~

    i only need 70 but will my marks affect this....

    well im not sure about my schools ranking but its def not in the top 200...its shyt...but the rankings again are ancient- 2/ 52 legal- 2/ 18 english adv- 6/18 maths general- 2/ 80 CFS- 2/18
  12. ~FeLiCiTy~

    i only need 70 but will my marks affect this....

    Probably like hundreds of other students, im also worried about my potential UAI...please tell me HONESTLY if you's think i would have a chance of getting a UAI above 78...My assessment marks are as follows: Ancient History- 82 ranking 2nd English ADV- 72 ranking 6th Legal studies- 77...