complex numbers

  1. M

    Practice papers

    Hiiii, does anyone have or know where to get practice exam paper on complex number only? I’m having a test this week on complex number TT. Thx
  2. ivanradoszyce

    Roots of a complex number question

    Hi all, This question comes from Cambridge Chapter 3(C) Q15. a) Show that every root of the equation is imaginary for (1+z)^{2n} + (1-z)^{2n} =0 b) Let the roots be represented by the points P_1, P_2, P_3, ... ,P_{2n} in the Argand diagram, and let O be the origin. Show that: OP^2_1 +...
  3. Modern4DaBois

    PLs Complex Numbers Polynomials Questions ASAP Help PLS

    Can someone pls help with Question 17, and Question 16 (part d)? Thank you so much! 😀
  4. O

    complex number multi HSC 2018

    hi, is it possible to solve this question without finding all 6 roots and converting them to polar? thanks
  5. O

    complex num help

    gday y'all, what's the quickest way to do this? also can someone explain this: solutions show k=0,1,2,3,4,5,6 but this is out of the restriction as -pi=<theta=<pi, correct results would be k=0,+/-1,+/-2,+/-3 ? thanks in advance
  6. M

    square roots of complex numbers

    Hi all, Just want to check if i can use this formula to solve questions like this. Works every time and saved me a lot of working.