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data science

  1. M

    SHORT survey! Desperate for answers

    Hey everyone, please complete this survey for my DATA1001 class: h ttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJ6mihMo1GXAPTFfNb4pfLSrUPD9551INPT17DkHA5R-9NGA/viewform?usp=sf_link Also (tit for tat) if you need respondents for a survey of yours I'd be happy to do one in return. Thank you !! :))
  2. Huntress_Waffle

    Thoughts on Computer Science/ Economics double degree?

    Hey guys so I RLYY like eco, but I don't think a single Eco degree will easily get me a job as compared to if I go into software engineering/comp sci/ data science. Especially because I have absolutely no connections in the business/eco/finance field whereas my parents both do techy jobs. I'm...