I kinda wrote like this for my essays, a little tiny bit worse I'd say for conclusions/3rd body paragraphs.. uhh.. so, would HSC markers be able to decipher this?
Last image is a pic of my 1984 trial essay, which surprisingly got me an 18/20 despite how rushed it was even seen from the...
So basically I got my result for my English and I lost quite a few marks due to the fact that my handwriting was hard to read in some parts. Is there any way I can gain those marks back? maybe explain to the teacher what the words are etc..?
My handwriting has always been pretty shitty and teachers have said consistently over the years that they struggle to read it. I generally achieve pretty good results but im scared that perhaps in the actual hsc exam, the markers are rlly gonna get annoyed with my handwriting and i wont get the...