Hey all, I'm currently doing texts and human experiences in english standard. For my first assessment task, I have to pick a related text. Does anyone have any suggestions? Our main text is 'past the shallows' if that helps. Also, it has to be less than 500 words. Thanks to anyone who can help :)
I need a related text for Kenneth Slessor's poems wild grapes and out of time. A speech would be more preferable but a book is fine too. I was thinking something concerning the inevitability of time/nostalgia/regret. Thanks
My multimodal question for the eng adv common module is;
"Our experiences are defined by a tension between a yearning to belong and a desire for freedom.
Evaluate the extent to which your prescribed and related texts support this statement"
My prescribed text is Merchant of Venice and my...
Hey Guys,
I'm currently a year 12 advanced English student ahhh :/
I am studying 1984 by George Orwell and need lots of help analysing it for the human experience of suffering.
also... if anyone has any good points on connecting and comparing 1984 by George Orwell and Guernica by Pablo Picasso...