individual project

  1. Sylvia Plarth

    IP - Promotion & Program

    Hi guys, Does anyone know how many pages our logbooks should be when we submit internally, cos tbh I'm clueless. It isn't gonna be marked internally for me (I think), but my teacher's gonna be so so so mad, if I haven't done much and she won't tell me how much we should do 💀💀. Also please lmk...
  2. sophiie.burns

    MAJOR WORK ADVICE (from someone who did 3 major works!)

    Hey guys, Not sure if anyone will see this, but id thought I'd share my major work experience with those of you who are considering dropping or are doing major work subjects for year 12. Before I go on my little rant I want to say that this was just my experience with major works and...
  3. T

    Get ready for Term 4 HSC English NOW

    Tutoring with a current High School English Teacher of 15+ years' experience Visit or email * Experienced with current Standard, Advanced and Extension courses, HSC Drama Course. * Previous experience as HSC Drama Examiner, written paper and...