standard maths 2

  1. C

    I think I’m gonna fail my standard maths exam tomorrow

    I bet i could have done decently if i‘d studied today but i was so stressed i ended up scrolling all day through social media lol. It’s worth like 30% of our mark which is gonna be the same as our trial… i sat down to study for like 3 times today but couldn’t because i kept getting distracted ...
  2. C

    What was Maths standard 2 called before 2019?? Did they change the name?

    Hi so I am very dumb, I'm trying to find past papers for maths standard 2 but looking at NESA they have "Mathematics" and "Mathematics General" and then ofc advanced etc. But which one is the standard 2 course??
  3. B

    Standard Maths Course now on Youtube

    Hi, the complete year 11 Standard Maths Course is now on YouTube. The link to the playlist is below. If you read the description on each video you will also find links to theory booklets.