
  1. tk8

    Can you use a technique in the topic sentence of paragraphs?

    hey guys, I was told by my teacher last year for English at school that it is totally fine to state the overarching technique (e.g. figurative language/structural language/extended metaphor) in the topic sentence of a paragraph (but not list them obviously). But my current teacher absolutely...
  2. E

    English Quote Analysis Help pls!

    Through Nick’s romanticised/subjective/idolised narration which he ironically expresses is ‘inclined to reserve all judgments’, the unethical and careless character/behaviour of Gatsby is highlighted to the readers when they read closer/deeper into Gatsby’s character and background. Gatsby was...
  3. N


    What technique would this sentence use? “These, of course, may not have been the precise words I used that afternoon at the Tamagawa temple”