
  1. rh_06

    Which Uni is better for LAW, UTS or Macquarie? (among other things)

    So yeah, pretty much what the title says. Also, I am a little bit clueless when it comes to this stuff so all I know is from some research and word of mouth- please educate me if im wrong. I'm going off this criteria to judge whichever is better: - How is the course in general at ____ uni -...
  2. mmmmmmmmaaaaaaa


    How competitive is it to join subcomms and stuff? I already forgot to apply to one and missed the deadline so don't want it to happen again thanks also why is there no internships available for first years
  3. S

    TAFE to University

    Hi I am close to completing a Certificate 4 for English for Academic Purposes and I am wondering whether this would allow me to study for University. I am wanting to do the Bachelor of Psychology (Social Science) but I am unsure whether I’m competitive or not.