Its a good idea to looking at the notes from the markers found at the board site.
For 2003
4 Marks
• Fully explains both investigations which could include
– Investigation 1: Since the solenoid is not in a circuit, no current can be
induced by the magnetic field. No current → no induced magnetic field
→ no motion.
– Investigation 2: The circuit is closed, so magnet induces current in
solenoid. Lenz’s law says the current will produce a magnetic field
opposing the changing field that induced it. So direction of induced
field is opposite to field of magnet. They repel, and solenoid moves to
the LEFT. Includes both a description of Lenz’s law and gets direction
of motion correct
3 Marks
• Explains both investigations
• Mentions Lenz’s law OR gets direction of motion correct
2 Marks
• Briefly explains both investigations
• Full explanation of either investigation
1 Mark
• Solenoid moves in investigation 2 but not in investigation 1
• Brief explanation of investigation 1 (no circuit, no motion)
• Brief explanation of investigation 2
• EMF induced in coil 1 because of the motion of the magnet
• OR
• No current produced in coil 1 but is in coil 2