Hey Guys,
Yeah ag is the best! Its just like any other subject, if you understand the syllabus and how it all works its easy to learn. Its helpful if you have an interest in whats happening in agriculture, recent things like mulesing, NLIS tagging and Salinity are just a few cases that you can sometimes relate back to in extended response type answers. If you put a fair bit of effort into the assesment tasks like the product study it really pays off as study notes before exams. A lot of ag is about resource use, and the environment, so if you learn how to link practices back to the environment its a good skill to have and markers like it! hehe. Oh and as Sham said...GO TO THE YR 11 AG CAMP AT SYDNEY UNI! lol, its so good, and you make so many friends and its good to be able to help each other out in year 12! I did primary industries too, its really good if you like the practical side of ag, like building fences, stock work, weed control and all of those things. If you want a farm management type of career Primary Industries is good, you get a heap of competencies marked off and a certificate 2 in AG, so its really worthwhile. And for the people who have never done ag and have to do it in year 11 and 12 at hurlstone or other schools, its ok, i was in a class with lots of people who hadnt done ag before, it might seem tough at first, but you can do really well if you try hard and the teachers at hurlstone are pretty helpful if you just ask. So Goodluck and have fun!