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Uncovered: 9/11 anniversary plot against US
US OFFICIALS have uncovered what they believe may be a credible plot to target the US around the time of the 9/11 anniversary.
According to a senior US official with knowledge of the plot, "people are aggressively pursuing leads to this possible threat", adding that it is "specific enough to elicit worry".
The threat is believed to involve either New York, Washington DC or both. A senior administration official confirmed to FOX News that President Barack Obama has been briefed on the credible threat.
Authorities said they had information on some possible suspects tied to al Qaeda, but not necessarily names.
Officials stressed that the threat was "unconfirmed" and is being investigated.
More to come
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/features/sep...us/story-fn9pvfio-1226132831588#ixzz1XPEUrVqH
US OFFICIALS have uncovered what they believe may be a credible plot to target the US around the time of the 9/11 anniversary.
According to a senior US official with knowledge of the plot, "people are aggressively pursuing leads to this possible threat", adding that it is "specific enough to elicit worry".
The threat is believed to involve either New York, Washington DC or both. A senior administration official confirmed to FOX News that President Barack Obama has been briefed on the credible threat.
Authorities said they had information on some possible suspects tied to al Qaeda, but not necessarily names.
Officials stressed that the threat was "unconfirmed" and is being investigated.
More to come
Read more: http://www.news.com.au/features/sep...us/story-fn9pvfio-1226132831588#ixzz1XPEUrVqH