i used it and it's a good film to use for imaginative journeys.
Some themes you can use for imaginative journeys are:
* Isolation that an imaginative journey has. Look at how is separate to the outside world. His facial expressions, cloths, dialogue, actions and so forth are so different compared to everyone else.
* Risk of an imaginative journey. John's imganative journey, while triggering his orginal idea and his code breaking abilty, bring him and those around him into danger. His belief that Charles, marcy and other visions are real, leaves him unknown to the risks for himself and those close to him eg, his child nearly drowing. A good techique is the changing views that Ron Howard uses. At the beginning of the film we see the world through Johns eyes, his visions, struggle and journey to prove himself with the orginal idea, and his ultimate goal of being recogised for his work. Then the perspective changes to those around him and we become aware of how much John as lost touch with the outside world. We see him talking to himself and the effects his actions have on everyone around him.
* benefits of an imaginative journey. Johns imagination triggers his orginal idea, which makes him nominated for the noble prize. His journey has taken him through "the phyiscal, metaphisical, the delusional and back" (or whatever the quote is, i can't remember sorry), and ives him experiance. When he meets a young man who has interest in his opinion, his first question is "how long has it been since you've eaten" as a recognition of his journey and experiance.
Hmmm, i think i've got a mind blank now, so i'll stop, can't think of anything anymore.