Has decided to retire
HSC Course Foundation Study 1
The focus of this study is Aboriginal belief systems and spirituality.
Students learn about:
the nature of Aboriginal spirituality:
– the Dreaming as being fundamental to Aboriginal cultures and societies
– Aboriginal spirituality and its inextricable connection to the land
– the diversity of expression of Aboriginal belief systems and spirituality today
– the integration of Christianity and Aboriginal belief systems by many Aboriginal people
the differences between Aboriginal beliefs and spirituality and non-Aboriginal religious beliefs and practices:
– the impact of European colonisation on Aboriginal belief systems and society
– the effect of missions and missionary activity on Aboriginal belief systems from the original contact period through to more recent times.
Students learn to:
identify the impact of European colonisation on Aboriginal belief systems and society
recognise historical misconceptions about Aboriginal belief systems.
Students learn about:
the Land Rights movement:
– Aboriginal spirituality and its inextricable connection to the land, eg the Mabo and Wik judgements and other current issues
the ways in which Aboriginal spirituality has influenced some Christian denominations.
Students learn to:
analyse the contribution made by Aboriginal spirituality to the understanding of the nature of religious experience in Australia.
The focus of this study is Aboriginal belief systems and spirituality.
Students learn about:
the nature of Aboriginal spirituality:
– the Dreaming as being fundamental to Aboriginal cultures and societies
– Aboriginal spirituality and its inextricable connection to the land
– the diversity of expression of Aboriginal belief systems and spirituality today
– the integration of Christianity and Aboriginal belief systems by many Aboriginal people
the differences between Aboriginal beliefs and spirituality and non-Aboriginal religious beliefs and practices:
– the impact of European colonisation on Aboriginal belief systems and society
– the effect of missions and missionary activity on Aboriginal belief systems from the original contact period through to more recent times.
Students learn to:
identify the impact of European colonisation on Aboriginal belief systems and society
recognise historical misconceptions about Aboriginal belief systems.
Students learn about:
the Land Rights movement:
– Aboriginal spirituality and its inextricable connection to the land, eg the Mabo and Wik judgements and other current issues
the ways in which Aboriginal spirituality has influenced some Christian denominations.
Students learn to:
analyse the contribution made by Aboriginal spirituality to the understanding of the nature of religious experience in Australia.