hey there...just thought id drop by & try & help you out a little.
Most of the UC Ressies was privatised at the end of last year (07). to be honest, they are a little unorganised (the new company that is, which is CLV). students returning to UC Ressies only found out if they had a place a Christmas time, so everything is a bit behind schedule. If you apply for the full year, instead of just a semester, i believe you are more likely to get a place. They leave a certain amount of rooms unallocated specifically for new students/first years, so that they can have a balance of people in the residences. So you could ring the University of Canberra Village (which is what CLV now calls UC Ressies)... The number would be on the websites if you Google it.
For the other Residence, Arscott House, it is being run by the Uni in conjunction with the Students Association. It is catered living. There number is also on the net - go to the UC website & type in Accomodation & you should be able to navigate your way around to find the numbers etc.
Hope that helps you out... And good luck