I used Spirited Away, worked extremely well with this year's and last year's Q (identity and place).
Works very well with a text like Dickinson's poetry (and I guess Skrzynecki), if you can create a contrast between a text which embraces the two and one that rejects it.
Learning English for the Advanced level learning materials including grammar, listening, TOEFL and Cambridge Exam preparation materials, vocabulary, reading, listening comprehension, writing, reference, and quizzes, as well as free lesson plans for ESL EFL English teachers.
For Belonging our core text was 'The Crucible' and I used Virginia Woolf's 'Mrs Dalloway', it's fairly short but it's quite complex. Although it is easy enough to link to the course if you analyse it properly and the markers will love you for using a sophisticated text. For Module C our core text was 'The Fiftieth Gate' and I used Judy Cohen's poem 'Fifty years Later' and the film 'Shutter Island'. Make sure you use a variety of text types for this module because it's about representation and text. Hope that helped
My school is doing the crucible for belonging and julius caesar for module C. We have to find three related texts for an assignment and I'm not sure which texts would be good particularly for advanced.