Originally posted by lee^ar
i didnt know where to post this coz we are technically still in year 11 but have started the HSC year so i'll post here.
anyone know what their gonna do after HSC in UNI or watever? coz im still clueless and always changing my mind
yeah, i've finished yr. 12 and i still haven't properly decided what to do, but i do reccommend that u really think abt. this now, than later like me.
Originally posted by Kurby
ROFL yeah!,
man.. every asian i kno is either a doctor, dentist, IT person, or accounts
Guess i won't be breaking that trend...
yeah, i heard this joke in where there was this guy in an asian party, who tripped over and broke his leg, so he called out for a doctor, and all of a sudden the was a stampede, approaching him.