However, the fact of the matter is , that many cultures incite hatred and opposition towards the beliefs and values of others. Now you say that it only creates problems when they do not understand or accept difference. I can assure you with much conviction that there are many cultures that reside within this country that, as you put it, do not understand or accept the differences in cultural norms. For instance, each cultural community may have differing perceptions of deviance, and hence opposing ideas on what is right or wrong within a society. The cultural norms of society are not homogenous and this is often the underlying factor in causing problems between cultural communities.
I believe that you are recognising multi-racism rather than multiculturalism (btw a white supremist would accept NEITHER). By the third or fourth generation the basic tenets of the culture are often balanced out or in some instances overridden by the Australian (or native) way of living. This is where the idea becomes more feasable. Although they may still pertain to certain aspects of their cultures, they begin to show more acceptance and tolerance to others. Prior to this, there is often a clear existence of cultural segregation and a heavy emphasis on the maintenence and progression of the original culture.
Therein lies the main problem in regards to not accepting or recognising cultural difference. Segregation does not facilitate the increased understanding and opinion of the cultures that concurrently reside with the culture at question. It merely, as mentioned, promotes and maintains the staunch beliefs of that particular set of values. In most instances there is not a concerted effort, particularly by extremists, to accept that certain norms in their culture are scarce or non-existant in another.
Moreover, your comments denoting me as a racist and white supremist, are out of line. I dont not deplore other 'races' nor do I deplore other cultures. I believe unequivocally in a multi-racial society and one that promotes fairness and equality before the law regardless of extract. However, I am merely saying that the ideas of mulit-culturalism that Grassby promoted, have resulted in and provided more potential problems in society than would have otherwise existed. That is not to say that they should reject their culture entirely, but live in a manner that accomodates values inherent to both cultures at question.
The rather hilarious thing is that the cultures that we do accept into this country have extremely rigid and narrow views when it does come to mulit-culturalism back in their home countries. This notion is very rarely left behind. We have Asian, Eastern European, Middle Eastern and even Islander cultures coming to our country and maintaining the belief that theirs reigns supreme, often rejecting moral and legal values that exist in Australian society. If we were to reverse this scenario and migrate to their countries and subsequently act in the manner that they do, we would be ostracised and in all likelihood punished according to their extremely rigid and unrelenting legal boundaries. Would people laugh at our nation if it were not mulitcultural? Do we sneer and jeer at the Malays? the Chinese? the Saudi's? the Japanese? the Croats? the Serbs? the Palestinians? (the list could go on) for being so intraverted and not accepting others within their cultures .. I think not. We recognise that the foundations of these cultures are often conflicting with others and a MC society would not be possible. Notwithstanding this, we accept them into our country to escape the ills that may be rampant within their society. However many (not all) come here, totally reject the myriad of cultural differences that exist, and the problems begin....
White supremist and racist I think not.... They are just terms coined by libertarians who perceive that all cultures are capable of living in complete harmony and without can deny it all you like however, it is MY opinion that multi-culturalism in its purest sense is not possible and I can predict that many within this nation (not particularly on this forum) would agree. You can label me all you like however that won't prove a point nor will it affect me. Is recognising the igonrance of some cultures towards others racist or supremist? You can believe what you like...
We could go on for days and never agree.... How unusual Asq.