Ive worked through the signpost book for 3 unit maths and it seems a little easy and there is combinations of stuff that i can imagine they could ask in an exam that the signpost book doesnt deal with. They seem to just state the stuff u need to know and then the exercises are repetions of just the stuff u just learnt. I need like questions you can regularly do that combine stuff nicely, but in a way that you are likley to recieve in exams.
Any ideas on books etc?
Even better.... could anyone up load some scans of handouts etc they have recieved?
Ive worked through the signpost book for 3 unit maths and it seems a little easy and there is combinations of stuff that i can imagine they could ask in an exam that the signpost book doesnt deal with. They seem to just state the stuff u need to know and then the exercises are repetions of just the stuff u just learnt. I need like questions you can regularly do that combine stuff nicely, but in a way that you are likley to recieve in exams.
Any ideas on books etc?
Even better.... could anyone up load some scans of handouts etc they have recieved?