Twickel said:
Anyone know a good website for the steps of recycling aluminium, with chemical equations in it.
Aluminium is collected, separated from ferrous scrap and non-metallic scrap by magnets and eddy current separators.
Non-ferrous scrap is further separated into separate metals; brass, lead, copper, aluminium etc.
The aluminium is melted, wastes such as paint from labels will melt and float to the top along with oxidised aluminium. Paper based labels will combust leaving ash in the melt.
The top of the melt is skimmed to remove the crap.
Molten aluminium is poured and left to cool. Aluminium sheeting is made from which products are produced.
The only formulae would possibly come from reprocessing of the purified oxide which would be:
3 --> 4Al + 3O
Edit: Look on youtube for a video of an eddy current separator. They are really awesome.