An Alternative to Tutoring or Coaching for the HSC (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 7, 2011
Hi Guys

I'm the Director of Liberation Learning and wanted to offer an alternative suggestion for any students considering tutoring or coaching for their HSC final exams. Our seminars are designed to help students who experience any of the following challenges in their own study:

- You don't seem to get through enough past questions as you would like
- Even with a tutor, there is not enough time to cover all the topics & questions you would like (or it is expensive)
- You have not been satisfied with your trial exams or ranking recently
- You struggle with a particular subject
- You work better in groups and within a guided learning environment

Our seminars are highly structured to make sure that you cover past questions from all syllabus topics during our training day. We provide some revision, then give you a question to attempt for each topic while our presenters go around to provide high-level guidance during this time. After each question, we spend significant time showing you comprehensive worked solutions to deconstruct questions and key words, identify syllabus triggers, compose full-result responses and break down the marks.

You will get through so much more than you would on your own, with the benefits of having a fun group environment and your own comprehensive work packs and solutions to take home. In addition, our seminars start early to make sure that you start identifying your weaknesses earlier and give you more time to improve these over the next 7 weeks to your final exams.

Check our timetable and seminar prices here:!prices-and-dates

We also offer group booking discounts. If you have any questions, feel free to email me directly or ask on this forum :)

Jenny Nassour
1300 650 860
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